Saturday, August 29, 2020

Tween Pamper Party

Throw A Tween Pampering Party

Tween Pamper Party Ideas

Sometimes finding just the right theme for a ‘Tween’ birthday girl can be a hard task.  They are soooooo over Dora and Hello Kitty but are not quite ready for the boy/girl teen parties.  What to do, what to do?!  My dear friend, Val, came up with the perfect solution—on a budget.  A Tween Pamper Party!

Imagine being nine, walking into a party, and seeing this. {Giddy}! Personalized pamper baskets!

bucket full of pampering products for tween pamper party

pink sleeping mask

But first, some ‘grown-up’ food for the ‘grown-up’ girls.

chocolate fountain, strawberries and mini cheesecakes in a collage

Then, these girls were ready to be pampered.

tween party

The personalized pamper baskets doubled as mini pedi-spas.

6 tween girls with feet soaking in buckets

collage image of feet soaking in a bucket and painted toenails

followed by facials…

tween girl getting a facial

and then a ‘much-needed soak’ in the hot tub.

tween girls in the hot tub during a tween pamper party

I can only imagine being nine and feeling completely pampered from head to toe.  These girls are having the time of their lives at this tween pamper party.  This is bound to be an experience they will remember.

Sheesh, I think I might throw an adult pamper party. I could use chocolate, a pedicure, facial, and long soak in the hot tub!

Let’s meet the face behind this Tween Pamper Party, Val.

two women at a party

FIVE FUN FACTS ABOUT VAL {provided by her little sister Mikelle}:

1. Val’s favorite show of all time is Little House on the Prarie.

2. She is very optimistic. She always looks at the cup half full.

3. She NEVER EVER follows a recipe.

4. Val absolutely loves being a mom {and does it extremely gracefully}. She has five children and would probably have five more if her husband would let her.

5. Val is constantly doing hair, nails, and makeup.


Elimination of laundry. After world peace,… of course.

Val, next time you throw a tween pamper party, could you please put me on the guest list?

Have any of you ever thrown a tween pamper party? Ideas? We want to hear!

tween pamper party girls getting pedicures

The post Tween Pamper Party appeared first on How Does She.

by Shelley via Home And Garden

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