Thursday, November 30, 2017

Simple Monogrammed Pillow to Add a Personal Touch to Any Room

Beautiful Monogrammed Pillow

Aren’t we all searching for little ways to add a personal touch to our home? I know I am always wanting to add a little something here or there. If I could choose my #1 favorite way to spice up a room it would be in the form of pillows! They are so easy to sew, change and customize. They can add lots of color and fill in empty spaces! I have been dying to try out a monogrammed pillow cover for a while now. I see them occasionally in the store but can never find the letter or font I want! So why not make it yourself and make it 100% custom!

Add a Personal Touch to Any Room with a Monogrammed Pillow Cover

Beautiful Monogrammed PillowPillow covers are really simple to make once you understand the process. This no zipper case is perfect for a quick and easy sewing project.


A Pillow
Fabric – enough to cover the pillow (I used 1 yard for a 22″ pillow)
Contrasting fabric (felt, felted wool, duck cloth..) – enough for a letter or cut out you would like
Sewing Supplies

Instructions for the Monogram Image for Your Pillow Cover

First, you will want to cut out the front and back pieces for your pillow cover.

FOR THE FRONT: Measure your pillow and cut your fabric the height +1″ and the width +1″. To make a 22-inch pillow, I cut the front to be 23″ x 23″.

FOR THE BACK: You are going to cut two pieces. Divide the width of your pillow in half + 4 inches. Cut 2 pieces to be the height + 1″ and the width divided by 2 + 4 inches. Does that make sense? So for a 22 inch pillow here is the math: 22/2= 11 + 4 = 15. So I cut the two back pieces at 23″ x 15″. These will overlap and create an opening for the pillow to be inserted.

After you have the front and backs cut out you move on to the fun part. It is best to use a thicker fabric for this part. I love the way felted wool looks or even just plain felt. I chose to use some extra duck cloth I already had lying around.

Decide on what you would like to have on the front of your pillow. I love a simple monogram pillow cover, they are totally adorable. If you wanted to go a different direction it would be simple to do an animal silhouette (I want to do a bird), a shape like a heart, headphones, or a star. I can think of so many, the options are limitless! I love to search through clip art on google images for cute ideas. Or if you are really great at free handing you don’t even need an image to copy! Print out an image or freehand an outline, pin it to your contrasting fabric and cut away!

Beautiful Monogrammed Pillow

Assembling Your Monogrammed Pillow Cover

Now you’re ready to start on the pillow cover itself. Take the two back pieces over to your ironing board.  Press under 1/4 inch twice on one long side of each back piece. This will give you an easy clean finish to sew.

Beautiful Monogrammed Pillow

Stitch close to the folded edge of the clean finish and press it smooth. This will make up the overlapping back of the pillow.

Beautiful Monogrammed Pillow

Next take your cute cut out for the front of the pillow. Decide on where you want to place it. Be creative! Things don’t always have to go right in the center or be perfectly aligned. Have some fun! Once you have the placement you want, pin it to the front pillow piece. Don’t pin it too close to the edges. Leave a 1/2″ border for the pillow seam.

Beautiful Monogrammed PillowThere are so many options for attaching this decorative piece to your pillow cover. If you know how to and like hand stitching, it would look darling around the edge. I just used a simple sewing machine stitch and sewed about 1/8″ from the edges of the letter. My suggestion is to take it slow and watch closely as you go.

Beautiful Monogrammed Pillow

Final Steps for Your Monogrammed Pillow Cover

Now to make the pillow cover! Take the front of the pillow and lay it face up. Place the two back pieces overlapping on top and pin all the edges to match.

*Don’t mind the fact that my overlap is actually on the side, I ran out of fabric and had to improvise. I really prefer the overlap in the middle of the pillow.

Beautiful Monogrammed PillowSew around the edge of the pillow with a 1/2 ” seam allowance. Backstitch at the beginning and end. After you’ve sewn the pieces together you can go back around with a zigzag stitch to secure the edges. Sew the zigzag stitch in the seam allowance close to the original seam. This is just for extra stability, and it not necessary if you are in a hurry.

Beautiful Monogrammed PillowTrim the 4 corners of the pillow. Flip the pillowcase right side out and push the corners out to a point.

Beautiful Monogrammed PillowPress the seam out on the edges of the pillow, like so:

showing the seam of the pillow coverThen stuff the pillow inside the overlapping back pieces of your monogrammed pillow cover and move it around till the cover fits! Fluff it and toss it where you want!

monogrammed pillow cover on a pillow on a rocking chair

Makes a Great Gift for Many Different Occasions

This monogrammed pillow cover would make a great baby gift, wedding gift with initials, or a cute throw pillow for your family room. You can make cute pillows for each child’s bed. You could even spell out a full word if you have the time and patience 😉

The possibilities are endless!

Beautiful Monogrammed Pillow cover with the letter b It adds a personalized touch to any room. I needed a nice big pillow for the rocking chair in my nursery.
I can’t wait for my “little miss B” to get here! Only 1 more month!

Have fun sewing!

Beautiful Monogrammed Pillow cover

The post Simple Monogrammed Pillow to Add a Personal Touch to Any Room appeared first on How Does She.

by Lara via Home And Garden

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