Friday, October 20, 2017

Life’s 4 Precious Moments That Happen in Your Home Every Day

Every single day within our own homes, we experience some of life’s most precious moments without even realizing it. These little blips are short, fleeting and may even seem common or insignificant at the time. But great families aren’t built in a day. They are built brick by brick, little moment by little moment. And by the time you look back, you see that those small and simple things were the most important all along.

Life’s 4 Precious Moments That Happen in Your Home Every Day

1. Meal Times

As stressful or rushed as they sometimes are, meal times in your home are some of the most special times you can share with your family. Sitting down together, sharing a common meal, and taking even 15 minutes to reconnect is one of those daily moments that can quietly pass by without us realizing how important they are.

Each breakfast, lunch, and dinner you spend together, multiplied by 365 days, multiplied by years and years and that is a lifetime of precious building blocks bolstering up your family.

2. Messes

Messes don’t seem special at the time, but they are evidence of happy play. Those muddy rain boots mean adventures in the backyard where little boys poke sticks in the mud and look for frogs. Finger paint smudges on your table mean someone was creating a masterpiece that she’s so proud to show off.

Hands and boots can be washed in the sink. Messes can be cleaned up. Some of life’s most precious moments are all a matter of our perception.

3. One-on-One Time

Doing your daughter’s hair in the morning, standing at the kitchen sink rinsing dishes with your son talking about nothing much at all—these everyday moments are what we’ll want to look back on.

One-on-one time with family is so precious. Most of the time we are too distracted to really grasp the brevity of simple human interactions. It’s those little scenes that play out every day in our homes that become the substance to a meaningful life.

4. Nightly Routines

For parents, the nightly routine can be torturous. Wiping toothpaste splatters off the bathroom faucets, fighting squirming toddlers into their pajamas…those tasks can be difficult. But think about all of the important family moments that happen around bedtime. That’s when prayers are said and stories read. It’s when goodnight hugs and kisses are given and I love yous are exchanged.

Here’s to all of life’s simple yet significant moments that happen in our homes each day and to our abilities to recognize them.

*Thank you to Kohler for providing all of the faucets featured in the above video.

The post Life’s 4 Precious Moments That Happen in Your Home Every Day appeared first on How Does She.

by Missy via Home And Garden

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