Wednesday, June 14, 2017

When Far Away is Too Far Away: Reverse Care Packages for Parents

*We’ve joined with Minute Maid in spreading their inspiring #doingood campaign that lets parents everywhere know that they are doing better than they think.

Long distance relationships are hard on everyone, but especially parents. I know firsthand how tough it is to be miles and miles away from your family. Sometimes Memphis seems like a million miles away from my parents in Idaho. We rely on a lot of FaceTime, texts, emails, and care packages to get us through.

For over a year now we’ve been working with Minute Maid on a campaign that is very near and dear to my heart. It’s called #doingood and that one phrase has personally helped me to take more notice of all the little things parents—myself included—do every day to pour more love into their families.

Minute Maid knows that what’s true for juice is true for families—when you put good in, you get good out.

When Far Away is Too Far Away

A few weeks ago we introduced you to the awesome concept of the reverse care package. It’s a package kids send their parents to thank them for all of the amazing things they’ve done and to let them know they are #doingood.

As my kids and I put together a “lemony” basket for grandma and grandpa, I couldn’t help but glance out the window and see my next door neighbor and dear friend Liz loading her five children into the car alone.

The Reverse Care Package

Over a year ago, Liz’s husband got relocated from Memphis to Minneapolis for his job. The plan was to let the kids finish the school year, sell the house, and then move the entire family to Minneapolis. But we all know that plans don’t normally go the way we want them to. So for more than 365 days, this sweet family has been managing states apart from their husband and father.

I know it’s been hard on them all.

Sometimes far away is too far away and parents who live a great distance apart from their children or grandchildren get discouraged. Sometimes a sweet care package can make all the difference in the world.

The Reverse Care Package

This year, let a parent or grandparent know that they’re #doingood by sending them a reverse care package. What is a reverse care package? Well, you know all those times your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, aunt, or uncle sent you a package to cheer you up and let you know you’re loved? Well now it’s time to pay them back!

Put together your own #doingood delivery to brighten up a parent’s day. Especially when you live far apart, even the smallest package can be all the encouragement a parent needs.

Distance is hard on every family, especially when parents suffer from feelings of self-doubt, wondering if they’ve done enough or have done the right thing. Remind them of all the wonderful things–big and small–they’ve done over the years to make a difference.

#doingood Delivery

Some things you can include in your reverse care package include:

  • This FREE Printable Card for Dad–let him know he sparkles!
  • Handwritten notes of love and encouragement.
  • Photos of your family having fun together.
  • Pictures the kids draw.
  • Favorite treats and goodies.
  • Minute Maid Sparkling to let them know they really shine.

Our love goes out to all you parents out there who are doing the long-distance thing. Don’t get discouraged…it will work out. 

Imagine their father’s surprise when he walks into his Minneapolis hotel and finds a special care package waiting for him a the front desk. Make a parent’s day; send a reverse care package of your own.

Take a peek at Minute Maid’s newest #doingood video (it’s an emotional one!) and head to to find even more ways to remind all parents they are #doingood.

You could also win a magical Walt Disney World vacation from Minute Maid by visiting for details!


*The Coca-Cola Company sponsored this post. All opinions are my own.


The post When Far Away is Too Far Away: Reverse Care Packages for Parents appeared first on How Does She.

by Shelley via Home And Garden

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