Sunday, June 11, 2017

How to Recover Lost Photos and Videos

It has always been a fear of mine that one day I may need to attempt to recover lost photos. It was a lingering concern of mine, well-knowing that I should back up my hard drive “just in case.” But, what mother of 5 small children has time for that?!

How to Recover Lost Photos

Recently, my worst nightmare came true. My external hard drive failed. Years, and years, and years of pictures and videos were held in that tiny black box that I had way too much trust in. When I realized what had happened, I cried. I couldn’t even sleep at night. I tried to remember all of the memories and data on that hard drive, and it felt like sand was slipping through my fingers. I was so sick about losing my precious, treasured memories that I had been building for over 14 years (since the day I married my husband).

If you are a parent like me, you take approximately a bjillion photos and videos a year. We are documenting professionals. Am I right? I treasure these digital memories more than any other physical thing in this life. I was reminded of this when it was all taken away from me in an instant.I felt like all hope was lost, but on a whim, I began researching data recovery companies and kept coming across Secure Data Recovery. If I was going to have any shot of getting my data back, I wanted to hand off my external hard drive to a reputable, reliable, and certified company that would carefully attempt to recover lost photos and videos. I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that, miraculously, Secure Data Recovery did what I thought to be impossible. They recovered 99% of my damaged hard drive and sent it back to me on a new external hard drive. Que the celebratory music. recover lost photos

The moral of this story is to make sure you know a couple of very important things:

  1. BACK UP YOUR HARDDRIVE. Like RIGHT NOW. I’ve been told that one copy of anything is basically like not having the data at all. So if you only have one copy, you can call it as good as gone. Eventually, your hard drive will fail. Make sure you have more than one copy, and consider online storage as one of those copies. Quit putting it off and check it off your to-do list.
  2.  KNOW HOW TO RECOVER LOST PHOTOS. If you find yourself in an unfortunate situation with a damaged hard drive or external hard drive, I whole-heartedly recommend Secure Data Recovery to recover lost photos and data. Their service worked for me, and I’d be their fan club President if they’d let me. Their service is reasonably priced, their customer service is outstanding, and their turn-around time is speedy.

The following was on my recovered hard drive…

Just imagine had I lost this memory of my baby girl’s first steps:

Or this daddy/daughter dance with my twin girls:

Or our magical beach trip when seagulls flocked around my kiddos:

You get the point. Memories are priceless and being able to relive them through photos is a a beautiful gift that keeps on giving for generations. Make sure your memories are protected by having copies of your data, and if you need Secure Data Recovery to recover lost photos, let them work their magic…they’re basically magicians.

*This is not a sponsored post, and this was a real experience. Once I received my data, Secure Data Recovery asked me to share my experience in return for waived service fees.

The post How to Recover Lost Photos and Videos appeared first on How Does She.

by Shelley via Home And Garden

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